Some Feminine Hygiene Videos (Not porn, sorry) and Open Questions

Thought I’d take a break from writing a long post until I have the energy to write one! For the time being, thought I’d leave you guys a few videos I bumped into… unfortunately, lots of them are in Cantonese, but I’m sure for the flow-lovers out there, you’re going to get a kick out of a bunch of cute Asian girls talking about sanitary napkins either way! : 女皇教室 : 衛生巾之王 I – King of Sanitary Napkin I : 女皇教室 : 衛生巾之王 II – King of Sanitary Napkin II



I’ll move these over to the Media Centre section after a while, so no worries – they’ll be available for you guys later on! The first two videos entitled “King of Sanitary Napkins” really rock… although I’m not sure why they didn’t use “Queen” instead… after all, it’s more feminine. Through my browsing on twitter today, I landed on an amazing website You might wonder what the hell is m-gun, whether it is a machine gun of some sort. No, m-gun is the exact English pronouciation of the Chinese phrase m巾 which is commonly used in Hong Kong and Taiwan as short form for “m” (as in menstruation) and “巾” (as in napkin) – therefore, menstruation napkin (literal translation). Although many of my readers may not understand the verbal content, I’m sure you will love the opportunity to see the variety of pads offered in Asia, not only the numbers, but the excellent designs, thinness (although I prefer thickness :P), absorbency and comfort (well visually at least). It makes me sad to be a flow-lover living in Canada where there are limited choices 😦 Oh well… enough bitching from me.


On to the personal part… recently, I’ve had some thoughts I’d like to express and seek opinions from anyone willing to give them. You’re not being graded on this and I’m not going to freak out if you give me an answer I don’t agree with – just say what’s on your mind!

  1. How do you personally differentiate the phases of dating? For instance, before two people officially commit to each other, is it still referred to as dating? What would be the appropriate “description” you would assign it? I’m referring to the courting process where two people have not necessarily committed themselves, although there may be a degree of exclusivity. Would you consider the label of dating assigned only when two people are boyfriend/girlfriend, boyfriend/boyfriend & girlfriend/girlfriend?
  2. What’s the best way to depart from the end of a date or even something casual? Recently, I ashamedly say that my leaves at the end of an event, I often cannot find ways to depart gracefully. I have always considered myself a gentleman, but I’m starting to question that. I struggle to depart from the girl in a proper manner as often I will leave hastily to avoid myself from being attached and overly affectionate. Anyone who knows me will know I really enjoy physical affection, especially at the end of a date. Do you have a preferred way of ‘saying goodbye’ or have expectations of how a guy should say his goodbye when they are not at the stages of physical affection yet? I am embarrassed, because I’ve never had this happen to me before… with all dates I’ve had, there was always been a degree of physical contact, even on the first date. In general, my dates have always been girls out of my “good friends” (or girls I’ve known for a LONG time) list.. that’s why there’s never been a lack of contact-comfort with each other and I’m not sure how to handle girls who aren’t like that.
  3. When it comes to sleeping with someone, do you believe that it requires the same comfort-level as having sex? I consider sleeping to be JUST sleeping and nothing more. I have slept with girls before, on the same bed, but without any required sexual-contact. Do you believe that in order for you to feel comfortable enough to sleep with someone, that would also be the same comfort level you would need to engage in “other” activities?
  4. This might sound stupid… but how does one resist the temptation.. or maybe the word is enticement of being physically affectionate to a girl (or boy, if that is your case) you are ‘with’? When I’m to the left of her, I often want to hold her hands. When I’m to the right of her, I often want to put my arms around her shoulders. When I’m behind her, I often want to hold/hug her from behind. However, when I’m in front of her, I find it very rude that I’m walking ahead and ignoring her… at the same time, that’s the only way I’m out-of-reach from the temptation of expressing my feelings for her through physical contact. I want to be polite and gentlemanly while maintain my sanity. I would not disagree if you said I lack self-control – because when I’m with her, really, I do.
  5. What’s the best way to approach the issue of buying something for her? I want to buy her things sometimes, but I always want it to be a surprize. However, I am a very practical person and would not want to purchase something for someone they will not use/appreciate. Most people would say, “Well, you should know what she likes…” – but honestly, girls have different expectations every 6 seconds, so rather than making a “guess”, I want it to be a well-informed decision. Is it tacky to take her to the place where you want to buy her something and ask? (It isn’t a wedding ring… by then though, I sure as hell should know what she likes!)
  6. Is it reasonable to want/ask for a date at least once a week? Although I prefer more, she is occupied with school/homework or simply wants to watch her shows/relax/sleep. I try to get her to become more open with the idea of frequent, but short time spent together, to help build enough comfort/topics to talk about. Would you consider once a week to be too long or too short of a time-span?

For those who have taken the time to answer this, thank you for your input! Your opinion is greatly valued, whether it is positive or negative feedback.

I already have an idea for an upcoming on-topic-post, so hope you drop by again soon! 🙂

About Prexus Swyftwynd

Probably not a good idea for you to know anything about me....

Posted on May 5, 2010, in Periodtastic, Personal and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. WAH, very nice finds on the videos! Funny things happened in the KoSN videos, kekeke. I like listening to the gals talk…. informative, yet entertaining.

    I sent u answers to yur questions by email, go check them out wor ^^ U going to try HK Stayfree version when u cm bk?

    • Haha ya, I loved listening to the chatter on KoSN…. they had so many comparisons, but most of them were ultra thins 😦 That totally blows!

      Weeh.. I got your reply 😀 Thanks!

      I think I might just suddenly be considering it.. of course that’ll just add one-more that I have to try in my limited of time there, but maybe, after seeing this commercial obviously it is somewhat different. Of course, I’ll still take priority on the other ones since this brand itself is offered here and just doesn’t appeal to me as much as ones I can’t get here 😀 You know what I mean… haha.

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