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Locating Sanitary Napkins from Asia for Newcomers

Just this recent summer, I met up with a childhood friend who has returned to Canada. With her mom, she came and settled in the GTA to complete her high school education and hopefully pursue higher-education upon graduation. I spent several weekends with her, helping her get acquainted with her surroundings and to my surprize, she’s doing quite well. Her aptitude in English is superb, so communication here is not an issue for her. Plus, let’s face it – if you live in the GTA, you could probably get by without knowing English, Cantonese or Mandarin would do fine. She even told me that based on school statistics, 95% of her school is Asian and 80% of those are Chinese, accounting for very little language-barrier while at school, other than the need to listen and communicate in English for lessons and class.

But anyways, onto the main point of the story is that for newcomers from Hong Kong or other parts of Asia, it’s a shocker to have to deal with completely different feminine hygiene options. You may think, “Holy, such a big deal over having to buy local pads and tampons?” – but it really is, because feminine hygiene options are integral to peace-of-mind and well-being for most women on a monthly basis. Although I have known this friend for a long time, she had moved back to Hong Kong for many years, therefore, we have not had the close-contact that most of my girls do. With that in mind, she also was unaware of my openness towards menstruation and shopping for feminine hygiene. After breaking the ice a few times of hanging out, we went shopping and I could tell she was keenly checking out the pad/tampon aisle out the corner of her eyes while we were picking up shampoo. It was a whole new world for her – with brands unknown to her or even for recognizable brands, the types, lengths, terminology – and how they work was all different. However, with a male presence, she dare not wander into the aisle. I casually mentioned, “Hey, let’s go down each aisle and we buy what you need” as I tried to encourage her to get products that were useful, regardless of what they were. She eyed the aisle at the end so I took charge and led the way, showing that I was totally ok with her shopping for pads and tampons. I casually wandered off to the side, as I think for a girl who doesn’t know me very well didn’t want me to look over her shoulder as she browsed. I didn’t want to express discomfort though, as I’m sure we all know I lack discomfort towards menstruation (lol) – but more out of respect for her comfort instead.

After a while, she wandered over to me and shyly said, “thank you” – it was cute and she’s a really nice girl. We’ve known each other for so long, but we rarely get to connect because of distance and because the age gap is rather large – 10 years to be exact. However, her hands and basket were empty because she didn’t know what the right things were to use. She asked me if there was anywhere she could buy pads found in Hong Kong and other than T&T (which has limited of choices available at outrageous prices like $10+) and a place in Mississauga, I didn’t have that many other options for her (and we were all the way out in Markham). I do know with the Asian population in the GTA and with so many Asian marts, there are bound to be places that sell them, but where can we find a place where stocking up won’t break the bank? She’s here as a student, so in the form of income, there’s no much… so she’s very good when it comes to spending wisely. We shopped around the area, looking for places that had pads from Asia to begin with, let alone good prices.

Finally, we fell upon a place called “Foody” – a well known (apparently) Chinese supermarket with an assortment of foods and household items, but also, sanitary pads from Asia! I’m not affiliated with Foody in any way, other than a happy customer for providing us with what we wanted at reasonable prices. The supermarket is located at:

豐泰超市Hwy 7 分店 (Foodymart Hwy 7 Branch)

5221 Hwy 7, Markham ON
Hwy 7 夾 McCowan 西南角 (Intersection of Hwy 7 and McCowan Southwest corner)
電話:905-305-9866 (Telephone Number)

I suppose when this “street view” shot was taken, that it wasn’t even built yet. However, it’s in the plaza across from Marksville Mall. Speaking of being in Markham lately, I really miss my ex… after a bit of a scheduling mishap, she’s gotten really pissed off at me (pissed off enough where she didn’t even reply to my birthday wishes to her) and it’s sad. I didn’t hold on to her in hopes I’d be able to win her back one day, but she was a really nice friend to have. I guess perhaps with some time and fate, we may cross-paths again later on in life – because we all know, the world is small. From what I heard, there’s never a “low-traffic” time at Foody, it’s ALWAYS busy… day or night, weekday or weekend. When I was at the parking lot there, it took me 10 minutes to find a spot and it was at like the farthest corner of the parking lot ever.

If you’re new to Canada, live in the GTA area and want to find napkins that you use “back at home” – you can probably find them here. I have to remind you that with any imported item, you can expect a higher cost (especially as compared to buying them local back at home), but it is at least within REASON.

Foodymart - Sanitary Napkins Shelf (Left)

You can get a variety of Laurier Night-Use pads for $7.99, ranging from 12-20 pieces each.

Sofy Body Fit for $4.99 which were completely sold out.

Whisper Day-Use pads for $5.99 for 22 + 2 (24 total) pieces.

Center-IN 25cm Day-Use pads for $7.99 double-packs of 20ea (40 total).

And of course local pads ranging from $3.99 to $5.99 by Always.

Foodymart - Sanitary Napkins Shelf (Right)

You can also get imported Stayfree and Kotex, as you can see, they’re very different than Canadian packaging for these pads but unfortunately the bright lighting caused the price tag to be unreadable and I couldn’t remember how much they were (and consequently, everything along the top shelf). There is also a 400-size (40cm) Elis Night-Use pad which sounds like it can absorb an entire period worth of flow!

Center-IN 21cm Day-Use pads for $7.99 double-packs of 28ea (56 total).

Center-IN 30cm Night-Use pads for $4.99 double-packs of 11ea (22 total).

Laurier Day-Use maxi pads for $4.99 for 32 (64 total) pieces.


You can click on the pictures for a larger view, but as it was taken with phone camera the resolution is not the best. Anyways, if you’ve been searching for a reasonably priced and assortment of Asian and non-Asian sanitary napkins, you can find them here! I’m sure once one of my girls come back from her trip, we’ll be hitting this place up to run some tests on them. For sure I already eyed a few that I know won’t let us down. Maybe if this recently-arrived friend of mine ever shows enough comfort, I’ll see how open she is about this! If you know of any more places, feel free to let me know! Better yet, if you have an online resource willing to sell to Canada and ship here at reasonable prices, DEFINITELY let me know! 🙂

Of course if this friend was close enough to me, I’d probably tease her that this would’ve never been a problem if she used a menstrual cup or cloth-pads, but I doubt I could pull saying that without making her feel all weird, lol… in time, in time 😆

Rarity: Women Who Love Their Period?

Having spoken to many women before, I have to admit that it is a rarity to hear them say that they actually enjoy having their period. Certainly, women do have their fair share of inconveniences and pains, so I’m not surprized that some, if any, would be excited over their monthly visitor. There are of course those very lucky women who have little discomfort or inconvenience when they get their periods. For instance, one of my god-sis is quite fortunate to be one of them, with a very light menstrual flow and a short period, usually only 2-3 days per cycle. Her pad and tampon consumption is very low and her period has never once debilitated her enough from carrying on her normal lifestyle. There is beauty in menstruation, because not only does it signify the beauty of the female body maturing, but also giving ladies the responsibility of taking care of your personal hygiene by bringing the proper amount of product(s) with you! Maybe that’s why, women are much better at taking care of their bodies (and even in general) than men are capable of 😛

There are however, women who I spoken to who suffer from PCOS, period-related anemia and even sometimes just bad cramps/heavy flow that it severely disrupts their lifestyle, preventing them from attending class, going to work or even something as simple as going out for a walk. One experience I had personally was that one of my ex’s had such a bad period that she didn’t even want to go to the mall with me, in fears that she would need to change her feminine hygiene product urgently that she didn’t even want to endure the car ride or the possibility of not being close enough to a washroom and prevent a leak. Just like anything in life, there will always be women on either ends of extremes. I’m glad my bebe has a fairly normal menstrual experience, although it’s a bit longer than I would usually expect, as usually her cycle is into the 40-ish day ranges.

To put it into words, women have just learned to cope with their periods, but not necessarily embrace it. I cannot say I even know half of the feeling of what women go through during their periods and nor am I a psychologist, so I cannot say how easy/hard it would be to truly ‘love’ ones period. As a period-lover, I also can’t imagine not loving periods, despite the pains involved, so I may not be the person who can accurate describe how to help others change their mentality towards their own (or other females) period. Suffice to say, with women commonly in the workforce, many of them are forced to cope with their period at work, even if they may be highly affected by discomfort, pain or hygienic inconveniences. I wish from the bottom of my heart that every woman can have a pleasant and comfortable period, but unfortunately that dream for me is unlikely to come true. I know girls who have passed out from the pain of their period or have to use both an overnight pad and ultra tampon just to avoid leakage.

A few of my girls do enjoy their period, but not so much the menstruating factor, but more of the fact it gives them an opportunity to test new products, including ones which I suggest or recommend. I’ve had a few female readers send me complimenting emails on how they look forward to their period because they have been inspired to try new products every period as a result of reading my blog. One of my regular reader also tells me she looks forward to her period every month as she enjoys trying a variety of pads and tampons. Both of us amusingly, stock up excessively on the number of products, haha. We both wish there was a way to quickly go through all the products, that way, we can move on and try something new!

This blog exists not only to encourage men to learn and embrace menstruation, but also in hopes that the ladies will enjoy having their period and see it as an opportunity each time it comes along. I understand it’s hard for those who suffer from menstruation or menstrual-related disorders to view their period in the same way, but we can only make the best of each period! I know I’ve accomplished quite a bit with this blog and continue to hope I can touch the lives of my readers, because I’ve receive much positive feedback on how the blog has allowed them to view menstruation from a whole other angle. Persuasion is indeed a hard thing, particularly because it’s hard for me to put myself in place of a female who has experienced what periods feel like, including the “negativity” that surrounds periods. I had a lengthy discussion with a friend the other day about her period and it was tough for me to try to convince her that her period is a great part of her life. Unfortunately she suffers from some pretty wacky stuff with her period, so it’s hard for me to persuade her to enjoy her period in any way. On the bright side, I’ve got her to try a new product that she never tried before, so I’m trying to open up the doors for her to feel more comfortable with her period and get something positive out of it.

Do you or do you know women in your life who enjoy their period or perhaps even learned to love it?

A Tampon Without An Applicator (O.B.)? DIRTY!

So my entry title is what I’ve heard from many of my girl’s who have taken my advice to switching or trying non-applicator tampons. Namely in Canada, I believe O.B. is the only “mainstream” brand that has tampons without applicators, although there are “side brands” – particularly organic manufacturers – who make non-applicator tampons. I’m sure people wonder where they get such an unusual name for a tampon manufacturer, but the letters O.B. is an acronym, “Ohne Binde German for, “without a pad” (or rough equivalent), so now that it makes sense, it’s a very fitting name. Of course being the menstrual enthusiast that I am, I am actually quite ashamed to say I took little note of this tampon brand until it was introduced to me by one of my ex’s – name withholding obviously.

A tampon is a tampon, however, just the minor difference (well, minor in my mind) between inserting a tampon WITH an applicator and WITHOUT an applicator has struck fear into even some of my elite-tampon using girls. I remember when even introducing O.B. to my god-sis, she blinked at me blankly when I told her that you just “use your fingers to push it up” – rather than pushing the bottom of the tube to feed the tampon up the vagina. She did try using them, but unfortunately, they were confiscated (yes seriously, by her mom) and she still said she preferred using an applicator because it removes the “ickiness” of possible contact of her fingers with her vagina or menstrual fluid. Honestly though, I would assume that following general hygiene that one would wash their  hands before and after handling any feminine hygiene products (or obviously even after just going to pee/poop), so the idea that one may come in contact with their own vagina or menstrual flow makes my mind spin a little. In fact, good insertion techniques with a non-applicator tampon is probably more “clean” than having to withdraw a blood-smeared applicator and risk any strands of menstrual flow or clots from falling out during the applicator withdrawal.

It’s probably quite obvious that the environmental footprint for an applicator and non-applicator tampon is very different. Non-applicator tampons are generally sold in smaller boxes (physical size) and individually wrapped only using a film-type wrapper. Applicator tampons are usually individually wrapped with a plastic wrapper and also the cardboard or plastic applicator itself generates additional waste. While cardboard is indeed recyclable, you have to wonder, how many people really separate their tampon applicators from regular waste? I can say that out of all my girls or women I have ever talked to, they just ditch their cardboard applicators along with the regular garbage. Since the sizing for applicator tampons is larger (even the compact ones sold by other brands), the boxes they come in are also larger as well.

In my opinion, O.B. tampons are SUPER CUTE. Well, not that it matters from a usage perspective, but making a cool-looking tampon can have its appeals. Or wait… maybe it only appeals to us menstrual lovers, LOL! Also, don’t forget that an applicator can sometimes cause injuries. Because many tampons have flanged ends for the applicator tip, it can catch on skin causing some major owies. Also particular to women who are just learning to use tampons, stabbing themselves with the applicator DOES happen. With an O.B. tampon, because you are more attuned by a fine-motor skill (your fingers), you have full control of the direction and movement while inserting the tampon. Don’t forget that assuming you are practicing general hygiene, using your fingers to insert the tampon is a clean alternative to introducing a foreign object such as cardboard or plastic into the most intimate area of your body. Although I’ve had debates with women on whether it’s “faster” to insert using an applicator or without one, I for one must say that it’s a lot easier to insert a non-applicator tampon since it requires less “unpakaging”, “preparation” and “fiddle-time”.

For those who may be interested in switching or exploring the use of a non-applicator tampon (or if you’d just like to educate yourself), here’s one of those O.B. pamphlets that are included in every box of their tampons:

O.B. Tampon Instructions

O.B. Tampon Instructions

You can click the image for a better resolution pictures and to see the text better!

A Challenging Question of Devotion

A very short blog to stimulate some minds today.

The age-old question that women like to ask, “If your mom and I were on the boat together, we both fell off and you could only save one, who would you save?

Who is a son devoted to more, his wife or his own mother?

Which is the right choice to make?

Who of these two counterparts would be willing to give up their own life for the sake of the other? Should the daughter-in-law give way to the mother-in-law… or should the mother-in-law give way to the daughter-in-law?

Although I’m not sure how far “birthday wishes” ever go… I still have a habit of making it each year I blow out the candles. I’m sure for the millions of people who make a birthday wish to win the lottery don’t exactly come true very often, you never know when just that one time… your wishes really do come true. If you never try, you will never win… if you do try, you have nothing to lose.

Every year, I do not ‘wish’ for myself, but wish for the my parents good health and happiness. I suppose for the past few years, wish for my mom’s good health and happiness.

This year, I have a very special girl in my life, bebe.

Given the choice that this year I can only make one birthday wish… should I wish for my mother’s good health and happiness… or to wish that bebe and I will both fall in love with each other and have a successful relationship?

Who is more important in my life? Which side would be more upset if I were to favour the other?

Can there ever be a “true answer” to a question of morality and opinion? Some would say, certainly the girlfriend/wife…. others would answer, the mother. The merit of you can only have one mother, but can have many girlfriends/wives hold… as well as that your girlfriend/wife is someone you CHOSE to commit to

It is unlikely that I will reveal which of these I chose… but will incite everyone to think…

Please don’t tell me happy birthday today, because it’s not all too happy when bebe’s friends hold more importance within her schedule than I do. Where even any normal guy or girl friend would purposely set time aside to attend to someone’s birthday… I am not that lucky. Even my mom actually reserved today, the EXACT day of my birthday for bebe and I… it was not necessary. She asked me where bebe was today and why we weren’t doing anything… and whether bebe even knows it is my birthday today. The only answer I could mutter to my mom was that, “she is busy, but I will see her on Sunday.” My mom gave me a look and that was all. I truly have no words… fml

Is Your Relationship Too Perfect & Having Standards vs. Being Picky

There's bebe and I in the future... LOL! Except.. I'm not as good-looking XD

There's bebe and I in the future... LOL! Except.. I'm not as good-looking XD

I really like these articles I find. I’m into self-improvement because I really want bebe to love me and find ways to be a more effective boyfriend and one day hopefully, husband. I think there’s no person too “perfect” to believe that they can always be better, while still being satisfied with themselves. Satisfaction, yet striving to improve are mutually independent things. One can be happy with who they are, yet continue to believe they have space to grow! “Beauty is in the imperfection“, I love it! 😀

Is Your Relationship Too Perfect?

By Sara Koonar (
Why disputes and disagreements are a good thing

Is your relationship everything you’d dreamed of? Or is you idea of perfect not making you as happy as you thought it would? Arguments, challenges and set backs are what make us stronger and help us create a lasting bond. When you find Mr. Right and things are going smoothly, a little too smoothly, you have to wonder how you will grow as a couple if you have absolutely nothing to work on. Without those bumps in the road, our relationships become boring and unproductive. Building trust and falling in love means completely tearing down your walls and showing that person who you really are. No one is perfect, and if you are pretending to be something you are not, you simply can’t be yourself and you can’t be happy.

Anger is a Good Emotion
Constant disputes or never agreeing on anything can be a stress on most couples, but the occasional fight can help improve our communication skills and help us hash out our feelings. Keeping everything inside and putting on a fake smile is doing you and your partner a disservice. Being able to be open up about your feelings and opinions is what builds a strong partnership. Feeling comfortable enough to show your ugly cry or scream at the top of your lungs means you trust that person to love you at your lowest points.

Love is Blind
If you feel you need to act, dress or look a certain way that is opposite to who you are in order to make your partner happy, you should take a look at the sacrifices you are making and consider whether or not they are worth it. The greatest part of a relationship is being able to be yourself and know that you are loved. Wanting to be beautiful for someone is one thing, but completely changing to fit into someone else’s ideals is not okay. Stand up for yourself and let your partner know that you like who you are and they should too.

Beauty is in the Imperfections
If you can laugh at his loud snoring that keeps you up all night or tease him about his not-so-suave dance moves, loving your partners “imperfections” is what a great relationship is all about. Knowing what makes each other tick or finding out his deepest and darkest secrets is what makes your bond special. Having that connection with him is priceless and more perfect than a relationship that is based on shutting up and smiling through it.

I wonder if my bebe has “standards” or is “too picky” XD I guess I’ll have to find out the hard way 😆

Having Standards vs. Being Picky

By Nora McInerny (
How to tell the difference

You know that it’s better to be single than to compromise your standards. Your coupled friends, your mother and your gynecologist insist that you’re being a little too picky. So who’s right?

Having a type. If you know that you’re a preppy princess, then you can feel free to weed out the skinny hipsters from your banker boy dating pool.

Being Picky:
Okay, so you like your guys clean cut. But is it necessary for any man you date to wear exclusively Brooks Brothers, part his hair on the side, have a perfectly hairless chest, drive a Saab and own a vacation cottage? When you’re looking for one specific person, you’re going to miss out on a whole lot of quality humans.

A gainfully employed gentleman who takes pride in his career. There’s nothing wrong with wanting someone who is interesting in building a secure and comfortable future with you.

Being picky:
Wanting a dude with a career you’re specifically interested in bragging to your friends about. Not all the good guys end up being doctors or rocket scientists, and who knows? If you expand your horizons beyond the astronaut you’ve always dreamed about, you just may meet the insurance actuary who will sweep you off your feet.

Someone who has common interests. Life is more fun when you have someone to share the things you love!

Being picky:
Someone who has everything in common with you. You’re wonderful, but you don’t need a carbon copy of yourself. Breaking up with a dude who doesn’t share your list of desert island movies or whose iTunes Most Played list makes you cringe is going a step – or six – too far.

Sometimes these articles are nice, because it gives ideas from angles that I would never see. Men and women are distinctly different in how they think and perceive things… and I mean it could be said since we’re all “individuals” – but men and women often have attributes that are “like” their ‘own kind’ (as in male/female). I laugh whenever I ask my girl-friends things about bebe or how women perceive things and they often all have a resounding similar answers to each other, while when I ask my guy-friends, they often all reply with thoughts similar to mine 😀 I don’t try to make an analysis out of everything, but it is almost amusing to see how sometimes our brains all walk on the same line 😆 Something that makes it harder is that bebe doesn’t think like the “typical girl” all that time, so I end up not always being able to rely on my girls for “girl-like” advice XD HAH!

Happy New Years 2011 from Hong Kong

Just wanted to say Happy New Years to all my loyal readers and passer-byers! I can’t believe it, the start of 2011 marks a full year of this blog’s existence. Even after a year of blogging about menstruation, feminine hygiene and many other personal topics, I still feel highly attached and you should only expect more content to come. My existing hiatus is due to my busy holidays and being away-from-home!

I just got home myself from a short cruise today with family, after all, to celebrate 2011 to be another great and exciting year! The past while with bebe joining me in Hong Kong for a week and trying to balance time with my own family, I have been incredibly drained and exhausted. When I wake up in the morning after full hours of sleep, I feel still tired and yawn often throughout the day. I’m hoping my body doesn’t give up on me, especially since there are only 11 precious days to go before our return to Canada. My schedule is only becoming more packed as people are trying to see us before our departure. During this time since the last update, I have experimented with at least 5-6 different pads which I have yet to post up, even though I have noted my reviews.

I’m excited to say that bebe brought some pads for me as well from Malaysia, an excellent selection I must admit 😛 I’m rather happy she did because it makes me feel that much closer to her, making me particularly excited when I see the same brand/type in the future. For 2011, I hope to continue to make progress in our relationship, because we have much to work on. I find that whenever we try to make big leaps, we tend to fall back more than move forward, showing that bebe and I should probably move slowly. As my aunt said, she agrees that people should “be friends” and then “be lovers” rather than what most people believe that friends can only be friends and lovers are lovers. What is bebe to me? She is my baby, my one true love and the woman I want to be with… what am I to her? I don’t really know. What’s important is that during this time, I try to help her to understand herself and us, so we know where we stand. Bebe refuses to label me as her boyfriend and engage in physical affection with me, so we have much work to achieve that comfort-zone with each other. For now, if she wants to hold her stance as just being a non-attached friend, then so be it, because if I force her to take on the role of my girlfriend when she is not ready, she will only feel suffocated. At the same time, I don’t want to let her “too far out of my sight” as to not allow her to forget she has a very loving guy waiting for her.

Beyond my own needs, all I hope for is that this year our family continues to be blessed with “wealth through health”… because I think I’ve spent so much time this year concentrating on the idea that making money will impress and allow bebe to have a great future. When one thinks deeper, my wealth is the fact I am in good health and can take care of her and our future family. A few days ago, we saw some “attributes” related to her year, one of which was “good health” which she snickered at. Although we have not discussed our health much beyond coughs and stuffy noses, it is likely she is not the most healthiest individual. Ask me before I fell in love with her, that I would want a girl who is not in good health because it may mean lots of “taking care” in the future (rather than usually me being taken care of), but even know she may not be in the best health, I still want to be with her. Health is always a very cautious thing to talk about within a relationship and we don’t do much of it, even though I’ve seen things that might tip me off – but that’s irrelevant. Even now that I know (kind of) what I’m getting myself into, I’m willing to love her and take care of her, no matter what happens to us in the future.

I don’t think any one but me can understand how happy she has made my Christmas and New Year, being able to spend, if even a week, with her. I think the happiest moments were when both happily smiled for the camera. Those were indeed beautiful times and those pictures will be cherished forever. You know, sometimes there are times we she drifts from feeling super close to standing distant away. I know that we BOTH try to make a conscious actions to feel closer with each other and we both play an important part on trying to break that barrier. I know there’s always that mystical force between us that seems to hold us apart until the time is right. I don’t blame it, because sometimes life is guided by fate’s hand and that there are reasons to why things are the way they are. You could say it’s the only way I can console myself, but when things are beyond control, then it makes you realize that there’s more than what we as an individual can do to change a situation.

Love is often an instantaneous spark of feeling and until that same spark ignites within her, she will still keep her distance. I’m like oxygen, I can help her sustain that fire and love for me, but we will first need her to light the fire before I can supply the oxygen to keep it going. As much as I would have loved to embrace her and to hold my lips close to hers this trip (it was worth the dream), I know that my love life is complicated and that every obstacle brings us closer to success. I used to get annoyed at why “love can’t just be easy” – but also realized that every time we trip and fall to reach that end-point will only make us APPRECIATE that end-point even more, helping us survive the many divorces and martial problems that we so often see in this society.

Once again, I’d like to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR (2011) and hope that this year will bring you your hearts desires. Expect more updates soon, particularly when I return home to Canada!

Massages and “Extra Services”

So I went for a foot massage today, more interesting than the tons I’ve ever done in Hong Kong. The best thing about HK is that massages are super cheap – or that is – compared to Canada. Of course there are cheaper places in China, but by the time you go down there, the extra cost would’ve went to transportation already. Nevertheless, I love getting massages, but this time we went to a new one because the one we used to go to finally went out-of-business.

This was definitely a “new experience” indeed because apparently the massage came with extra services. I’m not sure whether these “extra services” cost any more than the regular payment since I halted it extremely fast. Here I was, sitting down while getting my feet soaked and then the masseuse came along and began to dry my feet in preparation for the massage. Just because foot massages are so comfortable, I usually just tilt my head back and enjoy the feeling, but I always like to see what they’re doing the first time we try a new place and to gauge their technique. The massage began quite gentle to “warm things up” and then eventually the temporary pain set-in as she pushed down hard on all the pressure points.

About 15 minutes into the massage, a second girl came out of the room and began to work at my other foot and moved up my leg. I thought it was kinda interesting since most of the massages I ever had were one-person only, especially since most places aren’t going to give you two people for the pay of a single massage, unless you’re paying extra for it. I know for sure I didn’t request to have 2 people and know my cousin and uncle didn’t since they were next to me the entire time. So as the 2nd girl began to work up my leg, it felt weird since one was working on my foot and the feeling of two people massage two different places causes a feeling is non-symmetry, LOL. It wasn’t until about 3 minutes after the 2nd girl came out where it began to get heated and finally I understood why I had two girls massaging me. One was doing a real massage and the other was preparing to massage me elsewhere… she had her hands caressing me and was ready to stroke me and I was like, “Ahhh, stop!” but she didn’t. I have a feeling she interpreted my “ahhh” as a pleasurable one and not the “WTF, stop now” type of “ahhh” – so this girl clearly was trying to get me turned on so she can perform ‘other services’.

Bebe is 2 days away from coming to Hong Kong and I think this is the God’s way of playing a practical joke on me, trying to get some girl to turn me on and break my loyalty to bebe… HRMF! All 3 of us were aghast at this because we were seriously only looking for a massage, not a “rub-and-tug” kind of place. We were telling them to stop, but I have a feeling they either did not understand English or just thought we were ‘shy’. We had to get the parlour owner to tell them to stop as we were not looking for those types of services. As the 2nd batch of the girls left since we told them we wanted non-sexual massages only, we saw a guy come out of a private room, still getting his pants on with a big smile on his face… clearly, our suspicions were true, this wasn’t just a “normal” massage parlour. I felt grossed out immediately because it occurred to me I was sitting on this chair where other “customers” sat and it’s quite likely their dried splooge is probably all over the chair I’m on… urg, so gross.

We left, simply paying the regular price since we didn’t ask for their other fantastic ‘services’ and we decided it was not a place we wanted to be return-customers… well, I suppose that is unless bebe dumps me and I become single again, LOL… then perhaps I wouldn’t mind so much XD (not that I want that to even happen) – man, I don’t believe these places exist smack in the middle of the city under prying eyes, haha. I mean I’ve seen my fair-share in Hong Kong, but man it was a shocker given that this place seemed so damn reputable. There’s a good reason why you always give your business to the places you’re used to going, so they don’t pull weird things like this. Suffice to say, upon getting home, I had my pants washed and body disinfected because who knows how dirty my clothing were after that.

Luckily my other uncle will be free tomorrow to take us to proper massage parlours where we won’t be subjected to being “offered” services other than what we ask for and where I don’t have to worry about having my dick grabbed while I’m getting my feet massaged. To be honest, I know getting a massage tends to bring very dubious and questionable views from women, particularly in HK because it’s under the assumption we all like to be stroked and “have a happy ending” – but regular massage parlours only offer massages and nothing more. The reality is that it’s just a very relaxing and entertaining thing, particularly in a place where walking is a common method of transportation and feet get tired easily.

Time for me to sleep, enjoying a nice BBQ with family/friend tomorrow and more importantly, only hours away from holding my baby 😀 Just some food-for-thought… make sure you know how reputable the place you are getting your massages from, LOL!

Thought Du Jour – About Men and More

So today I didn’t have a particular “subject” to write about.. but rather, will just go over some random thoughts I had in my head, and perhaps some tidbits or information – whatever you want to call it.

Men… we’re pigs, we absolutely are and I’m sure there are the few true gentlemen out there, but for the most of us, including myself probably, we can get pretty vile. Our department in particular is a male-dominated one. I was just out at lunch with my coworkers the other day, mostly middle-aged men and even many being married still have a pretty disgusting mouth for women. I always thought that men would “settle down” after marriage… I mean after all, you have a woman at home, why go bother with others? Apparently I am wrong and if anything, marriage makes a man go even more rotten, lol. Just listening to what come out of guy’s mouth really made me consider how ‘bad’ we are and I’m not trying to play like I was “the nice guy” – but there’s a point where I can tolerate ‘just being a guy’ to downright perversion.

Listening to them talk about women really put a frown on my face… why do guys objectify women so much? It’s like women are just a “prize to be won” and once you win her (e.g marriage), you stick her on them shelf (metaphorically speaking), bring her out for sex once in a while and then go mess around with other women. I have friends of many ages and of different walks of life, often opening my eyes to things I would not, will not or have not experienced. Men… are very visual creatures and we are also very easy. No, women are not easy, WE are… a woman can lure us in like pitiful dogs as they see fit. Men are easy to control, women have a constant carrot (themselves) to dangle for us and we chase after it. Talking to some of my girls, younger, same age or older, the sentiment is that men are easy creatures to control and toy with, especially if you have something they want. Everything gets us horny, no matter how unattractive or whatever a girl may be (from my heterosexual point-of-view). Age is another thing… it seems like at a younger age, you tend of like older women and there comes a point where it just begins to slide backwards and you prefer younger women. I’m glad not many people I know personally read this, but I think I will always love 18 year old girls, no matter how old I get. I’ve talked to quite a few older men and yep, sure enough, most of them as they get older (into their 40’s) shift into liking the younger bodies all over again.

Stick a couple of guys together and you can hear some pretty perverse things. I can’t say I’m innocent and never said anything. I know bebe pretty sensitive about the male-oriented things I say and so I’m extra careful about what I say to her or around her. I don’t think she understands that “it’s just a guy thing” – and that sometimes it’s a strictly a gender-based thing. Suffice to say, these things don’t apply to everyone, but certainly even science has proven attributes that are associated or commonly found in a particular gender. I enjoy hanging out with a mixture of guys and girls, because I think guys are much better behaved when women are around 😛 .. it includes me too, lol!

So last night, I had a sex-dream. This one was really vivid and when I woke up, I seriously couldn’t differentiate reality for minutes. I was thinking whether this was a dream-within-a-dream, whether it truly happened or whether I was awake. I haven’t had a dream like this in ages and it was so damn sexy. I didn’t feel very horny the night before, so I’m not sure what caused it. It was just a regular day at work, didn’t see any super sexy girls or watch anything in particular that would cause it. I’m long past the hormonal puberty stage, or at least I think so, so it was totally unexpected. It wasn’t really a wet dream or anything since it wasn’t well… wet.. (good thing, LOL), but it was pretty hot. I’m not one of those guys who have sex-dreams a lot, probably because it really takes something/someone special to really rile-me-up. I guess it was just one of those nights eh?

So one of my girls who I’ve known for ages the other day finally told me about her habits of “exploring her own body” (and this conversation was not what caused the above dream, since it wasn’t of her). It was kind of funny in the sense that as she was ‘admitting’ it to me that as if I didn’t know it already… it wasn’t exactly a shocking revelation or something and even though she’s never told me so, it wasn’t like I didn’t expect she did. Given all the things that she’s vividly talked about before, there was no way a girl who’s never explored her own body would ever be able to describe certain things and feelings. I could not help but grin because she must take me for being an airhead or something 😆 … I might not be the most perceptive person, but people often say/do things that give things away, hah.

The conversation started as a result of her complaining about how society allows men to openly express their desires and fantasies, while women are suppressed from doing so. Certainly, this is a very old-fashion thing carried forward to this generation – where women were expected to be “pure” and “innocent” – or rather that is not the word I’d use – more like “naive” and “uneducated”. She commented on how unfair it is that if you hear a guy talking about masturbation or the fact that it is “normal” and almost “expected” for males, yet if a girl were to openly express such things, it would automatically turn against her as if she was some perverse girl or nympho. It’s quite unfortunate that many societies still see many natural occurrences in females are still taboo, and on the topic of this blog, menstruation and even female masturbation. So for about 2 hours she sat there and practicality lectured me on all the “inequalities” of expectations of men and women before telling me her “secret” (still makes me laugh she thinks I didn’t know :P) – it’s quite unfortunate such actions by women are stigmatized, yet almost welcomed amongst males.

I left most of the talking to her, only because discussing such a subject in a bubble tea shop didn’t seem very appropriate, haha – least I got a drink out of it! The funniest thing was that at the end she asked me, “So tell me what you do.” and I’m like, “Hell no! Why would I tell someone who’s NOT my girlfriend these things?” lol. I don’t know too many girls who want to know more about me than I know about them! I prefer to keep it where I know more about them XD One thing that I discovered was that apparently it’s quite common for men and women to continue their own habits even after marriage. Honestly, I thought it wasn’t necessary anymore because like, you have each other to have sex with, why do you need to do it yourself? 😛 Guess I was wrong, lol… that’s gotta suck when your partner is not satisfying you though, urg!

So for the past.. oh.. say.. 9 days, I’ve been working on my own business a whole lot. It was like just 2 weeks before I leave for my vacation and honestly, I just had customers literally phone me and tell me their computer was broken or needed some I.T. services. I don’t know whether “life’s like that” because just weeks ago I was complaining about how this year’s business sucked and now all of a sudden over these 9 days, I think I’ve made about 20% of this year’s income. What the hell?!! Shit I’ve been working my ass off to make sure I finish all the work before I leave! It isn’t so much that servicing is super-hard or time consuming, but rather, I’m worried about getting all the parts in before I leave and getting the work done in-time. I have stacks of “to be paid” invoices now sitting in my box and waiting for the cheques to come in so I can clear all the accounts before I leave. On a slightly separate note, the other day I thought about how I should’ve pursued an accounting career so it would be the same as bebe’s, but then Amy pointed out a good point – that it’s better couples DON’T share the same line-of-work, hah, because then you just end up in arguments about doing stuff “the right way.” I’m content with keeping the computers running and I’ll leave the accounting stuff to bebe, lol. If you both work in separate fields, then you don’t have to worry about criticizing each other’s working style, LOL. The only issue is that I know quite a bit about accounting because it was supposed to be my “backup career” in case I couldn’t make it in computing… so now I have to try to wipe my memory of it and leave all the stuff up to her XD – I don’t want to poke my nose into it, haha, as long as I can keep track of my own business stuff and taxes, I’m happy!

And… shit, it’s 2AM, I’m totally going to sleep. Night!

Discovering Your Sexuality

Today I went and enjoyed a Christmas show with one of my girls & another with one of their boyfriend. I’ve only hung out with this boyfriend a few times and although we don’t know each other very well, we get along great whenever we get together. We skipped lunch and got to Niagara Falls, Fallsview a few hours early, that way we could hit up the Grand Buffet in the casino. We figured if the show started at 7, getting there at 4 would give us a good 2 hours to eat and an hour to blow our money… and yes, no winnings this time again 😦 sad!

You may wonder what my post title has to do with my little story and it really has to do with some conversations struck-up by the boyfriend – we’ll just call him J. The show itself was a lot of dancing and of course, lots of girls. When you pair dancing and girls, what do you usually get? Lots of nice tummies, boobies and invariably, “open legs”. I guess J and his girlfriend don’t go out to see artistic shows much because obviously he was enamored with bouncing boobs, up-skirt shots and the physique of the performing girls. It isn’t that I don’t agree that those are all wonderful things, but having seen quite a few shows now, the “excitement” isn’t there as much just because the girl is flying through the air and you can see between her legs. I think the first time a guy sees it, he’ll think, “Wow, this is so damn hot!” but you become accustomed to it after a while and it is just part of the show. Yes, certainly in some shows, particularly Dancing Queen, it was undeniably sexy with lots of revealing clothing, suggestive themes and stimulation, I no longer have that oh-my-god reaction. Throughout the show, he felt the need to point this all out and I didn’t chastise him since after all I’m a guy and I know what guys think.

What made me feel a bit weird was he made many comments about the girls on stage (of course quietly enough where not everyone would hear), but his girlfriend was within earshot right next to us. I mean we’re guys and as guys, we’re pretty damn naughty and downright disgusting 😛 As much as I’d like to say that I’m differently, if you’ve ever noticed, put one guy apart and he’s a gentleman, but a few guys together and we’re savages. Likewise, put one girl on her own and she’s a lady, but a few girls together and they’re just as bad. If you haven’t seen a few girls together oogling and drooling over some cute boy, then you need to get out to the mall more often, lol.

I agree that the girls on stage are all quite pretty, some more than others and although they share things in common, such as their near-perfected bodies and ample assets. Obviously being in show-business, I wonder how much time they spend working out to have sculpted arms, legs, bust and abs. I hate girls that are too built, but these girls had those nice abs but not the ones that’d make you puke – nice flat tummies with muscles in the right places. It would make almost any guy or girl jealous seeing the performers in their toned-body. Nevertheless, I’ve always been the type where if I was with my girlfriend, I wouldn’t go mentioning other beautiful women around her. It just seems wrong, makes the girlfriend feel awkward and perhaps even make her dissatisfied with herself. I know they have been dating for 3 years and perhaps are more “lax” with things, but I know if I were with bebe, even if I saw a beautiful girl, I wouldn’t dare make a comment within earshot of her or point it out to her and say “oh this girl is pretty” because it’s just not a gentlemanly thing to do. Just “between the guys” I can see a conversation like that, but not when you’re with a girl you’re with!

I put myself in the same position, if bebe saw a really cute boy, I wouldn’t want her to point it out to me or hear her talk to her friends about it because it’d make me feel very lacking and “not good enough for her if I were to hear it, even if that might not be the case. It’s not that I can’t accept her looking at other guys per se, I mean there’s plenty of more beautiful people than bebe or I, and I’m sure we’d both look, but there’s no need to point it out or make it so obvious that you start making your other-half feel bad. I was trying to “hint” to him to tone it down since I could see his girlfriend starting to be disgruntled with her boyfriend while he kept on telling me about all the “sexy things” he saw and how he’d want to do the girl and stuff. One of the girls Mikael, the lead actress has a beautiful body, face, voice and even has that “電” or “come-hither” allure that makes it look like she wants you and I’ll admit that it’d make a guy take a second-look. I tried to change the subject and although I successfully got him off it, he trailed off to another conversation in which he asked, “So [my name], when did you realize you liked girls?

And from there, the girls had already stood in line at the coffee shop since we walked around the block outside to see the falls a bit and wanted to sit down. We had a very interesting conversation over some coffee and cake. I think I’ve spent very little time contemplating that before. As far as I know, I’ve always liked girls and it wasn’t something I needed to be “taught”. My parents have never sat me down and be like, “Ok son, so you’re supposed to feel attracted to females“… it was just something that “occurred”. As far as I can recall, I got my ‘first kiss’ in Kindergarten (and obviously “kisses” then weren’t the with-tongue type… rest assured I got kissed, I wasn’t the one kissing!) and even at that age, it was already my natural connection with girls, I felt girls were attractive and boys were not. After thinking about it, I believe that sexuality is something that’s connected simply to natural growth progression and genetics. I remember when I was talking to a gay-friend before, he simply said, “Liking guys was not something I learned, I simply FELT it.. just how you like girls, you felt it, you didn’t LEARN it.” – and he’s right about that. There wasn’t really a time I doubted myself whether liking girls was my thing, I’ve been interested in girls from a very young age (beyond the whole menstruation thing :lol:), I didn’t think, “Gee, I wonder if I like guys…”

J asked me when I started liking girls… if I can even remember when.. I mean, how do you even define a time-frame like that? It isn’t something that “happens” on a set-date, where do I even start calculating a date for that? LOL… I think at some point or another, kids all “play doctor” and that’s where the exploration of male and female bodies come in, but growing up in a conservative family and having adults around all the time at home limited how much “trouble” we could get into. I highly doubt at any point any of my girl-friends and I were ever nude when playing doctor. When we played doctor, I think it was more of a “I’m going to give you an injection” more than “I want to inspect down there”. Suffice to say, growing up in the current era is probably a lot different than when kids were really innocent and we didn’t know any better. As far as my conscience memory can recall, there was no conscience “thought” on my part to like women – it just was and is – there wasn’t a decision making process involved.

The question that J came up with, as simple as it may seen, really got me thinking. Sitting in the show, both of us guys are admiring the beauty of the girls on stage, yet, where did these feelings come from? Neither of us were told we had to like girls. There was no said-guidance. It’s as natural for us to like girls as natural as a homosexual guy would feel attracted to another guy. As I was writing this blog, I searched on Google, something along the lines of, “When do boys start liking girls?” and came up with about 1.2 million hits. I browsed through a few and it turns out I’m not along, apparently Kindergarten is quite a usual reply, although I reckon that we are all “pre-programmed” to feel attracted the the opposite-sex, same-sex or even both, before we even realize and it just happens that it “surfaces” in Kindergarten due to exposure to boys/girls at school and that Kindergarten is usually the youngest age that people still have vivid memories about. I still remember quite a bit of my 4 year-old life, perhaps even a bit of when I was 3, but definitely under that, it is blurry and probably not very detailed accounts of it.

As the night came toward 10, we decided we’d start calling it a night. The coffee and cake were delicious, although we totally splurged (cake/coffee is usually quite expensive as it stands, let alone in Niagara Falls tourist area), so we stood on the cafe balcony a bit to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful water-mist view and walked along the edges to feel the crisp air through our lungs. It was a great 7 degrees Celsius out, comfortable enough to stroll through without being bundled up, but not warm enough not to require outerwear. The night was great, minus an awkward situation I managed to get myself in. As we were walking along the pathway, the girl and her boyfriend were clung tightly on each other (which to be honest, made me jealous that bebe wasn’t the one clinging onto me as we walked) and I admired the fact they were doing that and then the other girl just rest her arm around mine and I was totally shocked. Unfortunately my natural reaction was just to drop my arm so she couldn’t put hers around mine. She relented and I think she felt very embarrassed. I felt embarrassed having reacted like that and doing that to her. I mean it isn’t the first time she’s done this and I really don’t mind having a girl holding on to me usually. It was just at that moment she did that, I was thinking about bebe and how romantic it’d be to one day soon spend a night like that just strolling and when she hooped her arm around mine, I “felt” it wasn’t bebe and just shook it off. I felt soooooo bad for her and it made things really awkward because even in the dark, I could see her face turn red. It’s not the same that the girl who tried to latch on my arm isn’t bebe and subconsciously, I can’t even accept that anymore. For any other girl to hold me under such romantic circumstances just doesn’t feel acceptable and even if at one point I was ok with that to “casually” let a girl hold me, my body practicality rejects any other girl who comes into intimate contact with me. I don’t deny that the atmosphere was very alluring to just want to hold the closest boy/girl closest to you, but when such a coincidence that I was thinking about bebe and someone who’s not her tries to do that, I had a pretty natural instinct not to allow it. Suffice to say, we kind of kept our distance for the night (which was fine, because it’s not the same…) and it was kind of an unsaid-thing and being one of my girls, I’m sure she understood the situation. I didn’t mean to be so cruel, but I also couldn’t lie to myself and pretend that girl was bebe when it isn’t. Alas, I can’t even feel for another girl, even when the mood is so right… I think that’s the Heaven’s way of saying, “Don’t even THINK about being with another girl other than bebe!

And so, I dropped them all off… got home, played an hour of games and here I am writing this and about to fall asleep 😀 Enjoy the night!

Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You

I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There’s just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is…

I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There’s just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don’t need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won’t make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You baby

I won’t ask for much this Christmas
I don’t even wish for snow
I’m just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won’t make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won’t even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeers click
‘Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Ooh baby
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children’s
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won’t you bring me the one I really need
Won’t you please bring my baby to me…

Oh I don’t want a lot for Christmas
This is all I’m asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is…

All I want for Christmas is you… baby

Dedicated to my bebe, forever and always! ❤

Hong Kong Quickly Approaching

I can’t believe it… just a bit over 3 weeks and I’ll be escaping the start of Canadian winter. Of course, I’ll also be back smack in-the-middle of it too! I booked my tickets during the summer holidays and can’t believe it has dawned on me already. I was out at Mississauga yesterday with one of my best girl-friend, hit up some shopping, talked for hours, got some bubble tea and lazied around her house. She was all excited about me going on vacation to Hong Kong again and said that it’s just around the corner and I was like, “No way, it’s still months away” and she’s like, “Uhh.. it’s less than a month silly!” Just moments ago I remember it being the start of the school-year and working my ass off and time has flown by just like this. She gave me a small list of things to get her because she won’t be coming back with me for another good 3 years when she has her finances better-settled and have vacation days available. Given that I didn’t even know departure date is coming so quickly, I still have to write down my things-to-pack, particularly getting my laptop travel-ready and my unlocked Blackberry so I can stick a HK-SIM in as soon as I arrive. I have a feeling I won’t be getting a data-plan this time, which means no emails outside of a WiFi zone… which Hong Kong is saturated with as it is anyways.

My friend’s boyfriend went to a stag party, so she ended up staying quite a bit with me and pretty much chatting my ear off. Slowly it was approaching dinner time and I think she began to get tired and she ended up falling asleep on me. I didn’t want to move and wake her up and it just didn’t feel natural for me to have a girl other than bebe lie next to me. I mean, I’ve known this girl for 25 of my 25 year life, we’ve done almost everything together and there are almost ‘no barriers’ between us… but yet, I can’t stand having another girl lie on me anymore. I felt so shy, so ashamed and perhaps even slightly uncomfortable. I know in my heart that I’m not cheating on bebe because my best friend got too tired and nodded off, but it just didn’t feel right. I tried to fall asleep myself since there’s no point of me staring blankly at the walls, but I just couldn’t because the girl who’s curled up by me isn’t her. After an hour of doing nothing and trying not to breathe too hard, she finally woke up and we went out for dinner then called it a night. She did get me a pack of chocolate which I ashamedly admit I’ve finished already, LOL… just can’t say no to Godiva 😆

I will be gone for a good 34 days and although that’s a month and a bit more, it’ll fly by just-like-that, it does every time. I haven’t even arranged where I’m going to stay yet, although I do hope that the place we rent out is vacant so I can stay at it again and have a place to myself… or stay at my cousin’s place which is nice too 😀 I don’t know how often I’ll update this blog from December-January, although I don’t want to see it die or people become disinterested. I’ll definitely try to keep content active, although not sure how often period related, and I might even get the liberty to take pictures and add information about all the cool pads and tampons found in HK!

Just to think that a month after I return from my vacation, bebe will be returning to Canada too. It has been so many months and she has yet to say a word on me on MSN. I’m amazed at women’s ability to override their own conscience … or perhaps 良心 better described in Chinese. It’s like they can push their own thoughts and feelings away somehow and have total disregard for it. Does she think about me? Does she care about how I feel? Does she know she’s hurting me? How can she go about knowing she’s hurting me? … and more importantly, I just want to feel secure in knowing that when she returns to Canada, we can start a new life together. I can forgive everything she’s done to me because really, the past doesn’t matter. All I care about is the future, the future which her and I will share together, for better or worse. It’s 6 months she’s had practicality no contact with me, maybe a bit of time for her to grow, be with her family and friends, but I’m not an obstruction, I’m not here to remove freedom from her, but I want to be the guy who brings her happiness, stability, comfort and security. She sees me as some kind of hindrance as if I will prevent her from spending time with her family or consume her life. I think it’s a terrible way to see a relationship, I just wish she’d be more realistic about what relationships REALLY are about, it isn’t a matter of spending every living moment together and losing independence.

I guess Hong Kong will give me away to perhaps lift my mind from bebe, even for a bit. Instead of being 13,000 KM’s away from her, I’ll only be 2,500… damn that’s close! Hell, I’ll even be in the same time zone as her and if anything, my heart will feel that-much closer to hers. When she’s sleeping, I’m sleeping and knowing that I’m dreaming of her and that she’s always on my mind.

I can’t wait to take some amazing pictures with my new camera. It seems like every time I go to Hong Kong, I take certain pictures always from the same angle or even the same scenery, but there are some shots that are worth getting repeats of and mainly because unlike Canada, the rate at which landscape changes in HK is maddening. From what I’ve read, Hong Kong has already had (since 2 years ago), added a plethora of new subway stops and has extended their subway lines to “suburban” areas already. Where our family resides, there’s a brand new subway, train, taxi and bus station in-service, so the pictures that I took last time standing from the same spot and facing the same way probably has considerably changed.

I’ll try to squeeze one more period-post in before I leave, but I really don’t know which topic to choose since I have written down so many to talk about 😀

The Righteous Brothers – Unchained Melody

Oh, my love
my darling
I’ve hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh ‘wait for me, wait for me’
I’ll be coming home wait for me

Oh, my love
my darling
I’ve hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me